Saturday, February 28, 2009


On Thursday night, Robert and I went to the Crystal Palace with Mandi and Chris, we got tickets to the Jack Ingram concert, and thanks to Meme and Papa watching Peyton, we got to have a great night out with no (monster). We enjoyed a great dinner before the concert, and Mandi and I topped the night off with a apple crisp al a mode. It was a really fun night, Robert and I are always good for a concert and it took Chris back to his college years in Texas. Jack Ingram not only puts on a great show but he was really funny. When we were leaving we went out the wrong door and we kind of ran right into Jack's tour bus and his whole band was standing right there, it was pretty cool.

Mandi and Chris

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Temple Weekend!!

After our sealing in front of the temple
This weekend Robert and I left on Thursday afternoon for Burbank, after a rough start, all in all it turn out to be an awesome weekend. I realized how hard Satan tries to bring us down when we are doing something as amazing as going to the temple. I got to spend the weekend with all the people I love the most. Robert and I had the most amazing experience at the temple and we were so thankful that our family and friends could come and share this with us. It is just the beginning of another chapter in our lives, and I am so blessed to have such wonderful husband to share the expereience with. Not only did he spend six and a half hours shopping with me on Friday but he is the best friend I have ever had, I couldn't have asked for more.